Join Pastor Kim for a time of prayer on Wednesday morning. We will gather using ZOOM and will spend time praying together. Worship order can be found at the bottom of this message.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 3683 4828

Password: 025879

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Pastor Sal 584-2133
We are a men’s group that meets each Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. for prayer and fellowship. We share a meditation, pray for those on the WHUMC prayer list and send them cards. We also enjoy a fine breakfast.
When: Wednesday, 7:00 a.m.
Location: LaMadeline on N. Mesa


Meditation in Christianity
Don Haney 833-6834
Meditation is usually associated with religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, but it has equally deep roots in Christianity. In recent decades ecumenical groups have sponsored its re-emergence from monasteries into the lay populations. The benefits are available and offered to any religion or indeed to those of no particular religion. The quieting of our minds helps us get closer to the Peace that Passes Understanding, whether we are Protestant, Catholic, atheist, or agnostic. All are welcome to join in learning the practices and studying the background.
When: Friday, 5:30 p.m.
Location: John Wesley Room 
Child Care: No
Requirements: None
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Becky Martin 584-5239
This is a time of fellowship in which compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting are combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice. This ministry reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace as well as in celebration and joy. Many blessings are prayed into every shawl. If you want to learn to knit/crochet or if you’re an expert, we would love for you to join us.
When: Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.
Location: Library
Child Care: No
Requirements: yarn, knitting needles or crochet hook.